News and information for Government Employees

News and information for Government Employees
“We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.”

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Delay in submission of 7th Pay Commission report

Delay in 7th Pay Commission report submission – Confederation, Karnataka State is of the view that interim report of 7th CPC to be submitted and that DA merger from 2014 and Interim Relief have to be granted

1) The 7th CPC had issued following statement in July 2015 in its website .
“Further to the memoranda received from a variety of Organisations, Federations, Groups representing civil employees in the Government of India as also from the Defence Services, the Commission has had fruitful and wide ranging discussions on relevant issues with all stakeholders. Such interactions have now been concluded. Valuable inputs have been received and the work of compilation and finalization of the report is underway, so that the Commissioncompletes its task in the time frame given to it. Accordingly, any future requests for meeting withthe Commission will not be entertained.”
This shows clearly that the 7th CPC wanted to present its report on 28th August 2015 itself with noextension of time.
2) On August 7, 2015 National Council (Staff Side) Secretary Comrade Shiva Gopal Mishraji met the Chairman, Seventh Central Pay Commission, Shri Ashok Kumar Mathur and Secretary, Mrs. Meena Agarwal. It was assumed that the report of the VII CPC, as was promised for 28th August this year, may be delayed by one month.
This shows that the 7th CPC was delayed only by few days or maximum one month.
3) Many news papers including Danik Bhaskar had reported that the 7th CPC will be submitting its report in September 2015 itself.
4) The 7th CPC chairman had informed in a PTI interview Justice Ashok Kumar Mathurji had stated that “The Commission will submit its report by the end of September,”
5) The Hon’able Finance Minister had informed the parliament that the provisions for implementation for 7th CPC is made from Jan 2016 onwards and budget provisions are also made for the current year and next year. which says the salary outgo of central government employees will go up by 9.56 per cent to Rs 1,00,619 crore in current fiscal. The pace will increase further in 2016-17 at 15.79 per cent to Rs 1.16 lakh crore with the likely implementation of the 7th Pay Commission award, the outgo towards salary will further rise in 2017-18 to over Rs 1.28 lakh crore.
6) The 7th Pay Commission has asked for a two month extension from the government. That the Commission is hoping that the government would take a call on One Rank One Pension, so they could modulate their own formulation in terms of pay revision. The Commission is also expected to take a call on lateral entry and performance based pay.
One more reason for delay in the submission of the 7th CPC is likely due to rise in prices of few essential commodities which is due to deficit rainfall .
7) Now four month extension of term of 7th Central Pay Commission is made the Union Cabinet chaired by the Hon’able Prime Minister, gave its approval for the extension of the term of the 7th Central Pay Commission by four months up to 31.12.2015.
8) Now the delay in submission of report and its implementation will be there and actual benefit of 7th CPC will occur only from July 2016. As Government will constitute its own committee to study the implementation of the 7th CPC report and issuing orders.
9) Now larger questions are raised by this extension of term of the 7th CPC by four months by the Central Government as follows.
a) When will the 7th CPC will submit its report? Now it is clear that the report will be submitted only in December 2015 only, if the 7th CPC feels that the assigned work has been completed it can submit its report any time, its only upto the 7th CPC and the Central Government. As a employee we should put pressure on them.
b) Is the 7th CPC extension so required, from the beginning the 7th CPC was against the extensionof time, even at last stages the it had thought of one month extension only. Suddenly four months delay in submission of report has raised so many questions and the 7th CPC can submit an interim report.
c) If DA merger would have taken place in 2014, the Central Government employees would have got a benefit of more than 20% wage hike.
d) Now the delay in submission of 7th CPC report is there, we should immediately demand the interim relief to the Central Government employees and merger of DA with effect from 2014.
We sincerely hope the 7th CPC report will be submitted at the earliest and the Central Governmentwill implement the report at the earliest, so that the aspiration of the Central Governmentemployees are taken care by the Central Government. While doing so the right wages are to be calculated by the 7thCPC.


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