News and information for Government Employees

News and information for Government Employees
“We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.”

Monday, 21 December 2015

Appointment of Central Information Commissioner

Shri R. K. Mathur (Retired Indian Administrative Service:1977), has been appointed as the Chief Information Commissioner in the Central Information Commission, New Delhi.

The above appointment has been made for a term of five years from the date on which he enters upon his office or till he attains the age of sixty five years, whichever is earlier. 


(Release ID :133578)

PIB News on - Minimum Pensions

The minimum pension fixed for retired Central Government employees is Rs. 3,500/- per month with effect from 01.01.2006. For pensioners, including those retired from public sector corporations and other establishments, to whom the Employees’ Pension Scheme (EPS), 1995 framed under the Employees’ Provident Funds & Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 applies, provision of a minimum pension of Rs. 1,000/- per month has made with effect from 01.09.2014.

The Sixth Central Pay Commission had recommended pension of Rs. 3,330/- per month in respect of employees retired from the Central Government. The minimum pension of Rs. 1,000/- per month under the EPS, 1995 implemented by the Central Government was one of the recommendations of the Expert Committee constituted by the Government. Apart from this, the Committee on Petitions of the Rajya Sabha under the chairmanship of Shri Bhagat Singh Koshiyari in its 147th Report had recommended to increase Government share of contribution under EPS, 1995 from 1.16 per cent to 8.33 per cent to support the minimum pension level of Rs. 3000/- per month. However, it was not found feasible for implementation.

No complaints regarding anomalies in minimum pension in respect of Central Government employees have been received by the Government.

However, representations, grievances and complaints have been received from various quarters that the monthly pension to pensioners under EPS, 1995 have not increased to Rs. 1,000/- per month even after the notification in respect of pensioners who had taken short service pension, commutations or return of capital. Some grievances also relate to the fact that pension has not increased for those drawing more than Rs. 1,000/- per month.

Consequent upon implementation of the minimum pension to pensioners under EPS, 1995 vide notification number GSR 593(E) dated 19.08.2014, the pension of all member/widow(er)/disabled/ nominee/dependent parent pensioners whose original pension was less than Rs. 1,000/- per month had been fixed at the minimum of Rs. 1,000/- per month. In cases where members had preferred option for Commutation, Return of Capital and Short Service Pension and have already availed these benefits as per choice exercised by them at the time of making pension claim, the deductions on account of these options would continue to apply on the minimum pension of Rs. 1,000/- per month that has now been fixed. In such cases, the pension amount would be less than Rs. 1,000/- per month even after implementation of the said notification.

This information was given by Shri Bandaru Dattatreya, Minister of State (IC) for Ministry Labour and Employment, in reply to a question in Lok Sabha today.


(Release ID :133689)

Industrial Dispute Act

Ministry has taken steps for drafting the Labour Code on Industrial Relations, by simplifying, amalgamating and rationalizing the relevant provisions of the three Labour Laws:

(i) The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947,

(ii) The Trade Unions Act, 1926,

(iii) The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946.

The Government carried out the process of Tripartite Consultation for drafting the Labour Code on Industrial Relations, where the representatives from Central Trade Unions, Employers’ Association and Central Ministries/State Governments participated and gave their suggestions. Two such meetings for the tripartite consultation on this Labour Code were held on 06.05.2015 and 06.10.2015. Apart from this, the draft Labour Code on Industrial Relations was also put on Website of the Ministry on 26.04.2015 for one month time inviting comments/suggestions from public and stakeholders. Suggestions have been received from the stakeholders in these consultations. The provisions of the draft Labour Code on Industrial Relations are still under consideration.

This information was given by Shri Bandaru Dattatreya, Minister of State (IC) for Ministry Labour and Employment, in reply to a question in Lok Sabha today. 


(Release ID :133691)