News and information for Government Employees

News and information for Government Employees
“We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.”

Sunday, 28 June 2015

Delay in Finalisation of Pension due to Common Mistakes in Pension and Family Pension Claims – PCDA Circular to rectify mistakes at application level

Office of the PR.Controller of Defence Accounts has issued a circular summarising the common errors/mistakes found in the Pension/Family Pension claims.

Circular No: C-143                                                                           No. G1/C/MISC/ Vol-X/Tech
                                                                                                            O/o the PCDA (P), Allahabad
Dated: 23/06/2015

(All Head of Department under Min. of Defence)
Sub: – Delay in finalization of Pension/Family Pension claims due to common errors/mistakes found therein.
Ref :- This office important circular no. 131 dated 19.01.2015.
Please take cognizance of above cited circular dated 19.01.2015, under which a list of common errors/ mistakes found in pension/family pension (copy enclosed), was circulated with a request to ensure that said errors/mistakes may be avoided while initiating/ forwarding the pension/family pension claim to this office. But; it is being observed that, in spite of these instructions the same errors/ mistakes are being repeated while initiating/ forwarding the pension /family pension claims, resulting into avoidable delays.
2. Therefore, it is, once again requested that suitable instructions along with copy of this circular may be issued to allthe Head of Offices under your administrative control for strict compliance in this regard.
(Dr. Upinderbir Singh)
Dy.CDA (P)
No: G1/C/MISC/ Vol-X/Tech
Dated: 23 /06/2015
Common Errors Relating to Superannuation Cases
  1. It has been observed that in several cases only pay particulars of LPC-Cum-Data Sheet are being verified by LAO/PAO, while as per instructions issued by this office time to time “All columns of LPC-Cum-Data Sheet should be verified by the LAO/PAO.”
  2. Organization Code & Organization name should be correctly filled in Col. 1 & 2 of the Data Sheet respectively.
  3. GPF Statement (CC0-9) having clear and full GPF A/C No. should be enclosed with pension claim.
  4. Complete address with PIN Code of office/Unit and HOO should be filled in Col. 4 & 5 of the Data Sheet respectively.
  5. Nature of pension in Col. No. 15 of Data Sheet should be supported with part-II Office Order.
  6. Audit report for counting of former service should be enclosed in support of Col. 18 of Data Sheet.
  7. Col. No. 21 of the Data Sheet should be properly filled with as per Medical Option attached with pension claim.
  8. Complete details of EOL statement should be attached with the claim and 10 months average should be calculated on the basis of last 300 days for which individual has actually drawn payment (excluding EOL Period).
  9. Each kind of demand pending against the claimant and interest thereon should be shown separately in “No demand Certificate for Govt. dues”, and it should be specified to which Controller Credit is to be passed on for the demand.
  10. No demand certificate for Govt. Accommodation should be enclosed, in the absence of which an amount of Rs. 1 lakh may be withheld from gratuity payment.
  11. No judicial certificate that no judicial/disciplinary proceeding is pending.
  12. All the three parts of Commutation Application should be attached duly completed and Col. No. 36 and 37 of Data Sheetshould be filled accordingly.
  13. In Col. No. 47 of the Data Sheet, name of district in which PDA is situated should be filled.
  14. No prefix or suffix as Zero is required in Bank Ale No. in Col No. 54 of the Data Sheet. It should be exactly same as provided by Bank and it should be supported by Bank details also.
  15. Details of single PDA (Bank or DPDO) should be filled in Data Sheet and other document attached with claim.
  16. In support of Col. NO. 62, Certificate on proper format as prescribed in Cir. No. 106 dated 18.03.2013 of this office should be attached.
  17. Calculation Sheet should be verified by LAO and all the documents of the pension claim should be verified by concerned HOO.
  18. HOO remarks on Page No. 5 of IAFA-356 should be filled completely and service rendered by claimant should be established.
Common Errors/Mistakes observed in claim for Family Pensioner
  1. It has been observed that in several cases only pay particulars of LPC-Cum-Data Sheet are being verified by LAO/PAO, while as per instructions issued by this office time to time “All columns of LPC-Cum-Data Sheet should be verified by the LAO/PAO.”
  2. Death certificate in respect of deceased govt. Servant and an extract of DO Pt-II 00 notifying the causality should be enclosed.
  3. Nomination of DCRG in original executed by deceased govt. servant during his life time should be enclosed.
  4. Statement showing non qualifying service and dates of availing EOL should be enclosed.
  5. DCRG/Family pension claim on IAFA 356 A should be duly completed in all respect.
  6. Option for fixed medical allowance/only widowhood certificate should be enclosed.
  7. Marital status certificate should be duly countersigned by the HOO
  8. Date of Birth certificate must be issued from school/college/municipal corporation/gram panchayat duly countersigned by HOO.
  9. (a) A certificate stating that “the claimant is suffering from …….disorder and is not curable permanent nature and also stating that the claimant is unable to earn his livelihood due to the stated handicapped nature” by a medical board comprising of a Medical Supdt. Or a principal or a director or a Head of Institution or his Nominee as Chairman and Two other members, out of which at least one shall be a Specialist in the particular area of Mental or Physical disability including mental retardation (Rule 54 (6) (iv) to (vi) under CCS (P) Rules 1972) should be enclosed in case of disabled claimant.9. (b) A similar certificate is also required to be submitted by the HOO along with above certificate regarding income from all sources including self employment for examining the admissibility of family pension to the claimant.
  10. For Dual family pension, confirmation from concerned Record Office or PPOs copy of Army side family pension, is required to ascertain eligibility of Dual family pension claimant.
  11. Date of Birth of claimant of family pension must be agreed with the record as given in service book i.e. with the family details executed by individual/pensioner.
  12. It has been observed in several cases that the dependency of claimant is being shown his/her relatives whereasclaimant children should be dependent on his/her parents. Therefore, dependency certificate be issued/ forwarded accordingly to this office.

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Merger and re-designation of various common category Posts as per 6th CPC recommendations – DOPT approves these common desigations of various cadres in Defence Services

Office of the Controller General of Defence Accounts

Ullan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt-110010

AT/II/187/VI CPC/Orders/Vol-VI                  Date: 01 June 2015

All CsFA (Fys)/PCA (Fys)
(Through CGDA Mail Server)
Subject: Merger and re-designation of various common category posts as per 6th CPC recommendations-Reg.
A copy of MoD F No. 410/2009-D (Civ-I) dated 01.05.2015 on the above subject is forwarded herewith for your information and necessary action at your end.
(V. K. Purohit)
F. No. 410/2009-D (CIV-I)
Sena Bhavan, New Delhi
Dated: 01st May 2015
The Chief of Army Staff,
The Chief of Air Staff,
The Chief of Naval Staff,
Subject: – Merger and re-designation of various common category posts as per 6th CPC recommendations- Reg.
In continuation of MOD letter of even No. dated 27th February 2013, on the subject mentioned above, the proposal regarding re-designation of various posts in Defence Establishments consequent upon their merger as per 6th CPC recommendations has further been considered and referred to Ministry of Finance, Deptt. of Expenditure through Integrated Finance for approval.
2. Ministry of Finance, Deptt. of Expenditure vide Ministry of Finance, Deptt. of Expenditure U.O. No.10 (6)/E/III.B/2012 dated 26th December 2014 and subsequent clarification furnished vide U.O. of even No. dated 7.4.2015 has intimated that the proposal has been examined in consultation with Deptt. of Personnel & Training, and approved the common designations of various cadres as under:-
Name of Office / CadreExisting DesignationPre-Revised Pay ScaleRevised pay Band / Grade PayRevised Designation
Stenographer CadreSteno Grade-I5500-9000PB-2 with GP Rs.4200Stenographer Grade-I
Steno Grade-II5000-8000
Steno Grade-III4000-6000PB-1 with GP Rs.2400Stenographer Grade-II
Admn. CadreOffice Superintendent5500-9000PB-2 with GP Rs.4200Office Superintendent
Technical CadreChargeman Grade-I5500-9000PB-2 with GP of Rs.4200Chargeman
Chargeman Grade-II5000-8000
Tradesman Mate2650-4000PB-1 with GP Rs.1800Tradesman Mate
Scientific StaffScientific Asstt.II/ Junior Scientific Asstt.Gd.I5500-9000PB-2 with GP Rs.4200Scientific Assitant
Scientific Asstt.III/ Junior Scientific Asstt.Gd-II5000-8000
Telephone OperatorTelephone Supervisor5500-9000PB-2 with GP Rs.4200Telephone Supervisor
Telephone Operator Gd.I5000-8000
Telephone Operator Gd.II3200-4900PB-1 with GP Rs.2000Telephone Operator
Storekeeping CadreSr. Store Supdt/ Foreman of Stores/ Supervisor Barrack/Stores Gd-I/ Storekeeper Gd.I Chargeman-II /Stores Chargeman-I (Stores)5500-9000PB-2 with GP Rs.4200Sr. Store Superintendent
Store Supdt. / Sr. Store Keeper /Supervisor Barrack/Stores Gd.II / Storekeeper Gd.II / Chargeman-II (Stores_5000-8000
Sr. Storekeeper /Storekeeper / Storekeeper Gd.III / Supervisor (Store)4000-6000PB-1 with GP Rs.2400Superintendent (Store)
Asstt. Storekeeper / Storekeeper / Storekeeper Gd-II3050-4590PB-1 with GP Rs.1900Storekeeper
Civilian Motor DriversForeman of Transport5500-9000PB-2 with GP Rs.4200Civilian Motor Driver (SG)
Civilian Motor Driver (SG) / Motor Transport Supervisor5000-8000
Photographer CadreSr. Photographer Gr.I5500-9000PB-2 with GP Rs.4200Senior Photographer
Sr. Photographer Gr.II5000-8000
Technical CadreJunior Works Manager/Foreman/Junior Technical Officer/Shop Suptdt.7450-11500PB-2 with GP of Rs.4600Junior Works Manager. Junior Technical Officer/ Foreman
(as per the functional requirement of Hqrs./ Dtes./Organisations)
Asstt. Foreman/ Asstt. Shop Suptd.6500-10500
Scientific StaffJTO(S)/Sr. Scientific Asstt.7450-11500PB-2 with GP Rs.4600Senior Scientific Assistant
Draughts man CadreJTO(D)7450-11500PB-2 with GP Rs.4600 Model RRs for Draughtsman Cadre is being  examined by DOP&T in consultation with the UPSC and re-designation will be in line with Model RRs to be finalised by DOP&T.
Chief Draughtsman6500-10500
Draughtsman Gd.I5500-9000PB-2 with GP Rs.4200
Draughtsman Gd.II5000-8000
Draughtsman Gd.III4000-6000PB-1 with GP Rs.4200
Official Language StaffJunior Hindi Translator5000-8000PB-2 with GP of Rs.4200Junior Translator
Senior Hindi Translator5500-9000PB-2 with GP of Rs.4600Senior Translator
Translation Officer/ Hindi Officer6500-10500PB-3 with GP of Rs.5400Assistant Director (OL)
3. The above approval is subject to the following:
(i) It does not involve any change in pay scale in any manner whatsoever.
(ii) It does not require re-fixation of pay in case nor does it involve change in date of increment.
(iii) It does not disturb the next higher post in the hierarchical line of promotion, and
(iv) It does not entail any financial implication whatsoever in any form whatsoever.
4. The proposal with regard to continue with the nomenclature/ designations of Stenographer Cadre, Administrative Cadre, Technical Cadre (Chargeman, Tradesman Mate, Labour/Mazdoor) Scientific Staff, Telephone Operator, CMD Cadre and Photographer Cadre is subject to the condition that for the common category cadres where Model RRs are issued by the DOP&T, the re-designation will be as per Model RRs and no deviation in such common category posts is allowed.
5. This issues with concurrence of Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure vide their U.O. No.10(6)/E.III.B/2012 dated 26 Dec., 2012 and clarification dated 7th April 2015 and Defence (Fin./AG/PB) vide their Dy. No. 31/AG/PB dated 28th April, 2015.
Yours faithfully,
(Gurdeep Singh)
Under Secretary (CP)
Tel. No.2301 2414

DOPT exempts all Group B Posts (grade pay less then Rs.4800) from clearance from UPSC for Deputation

DOPT exempts all Group B Posts from clearance from UPSC for Deputation – Notification issued – All Group B Posts with grade pay less then Rs.4800 need not be cleared by UPSC

Government of India
Ministry of Personnei, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training)
New Delhi. the 03rd June. 2015
G.S.R (E). – tn exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to clause (3) of article 320 of the Constitution, the‘President hereby makes the following regulations further to amend the Union Public Service Commission – (Exemption from Consultation) Regulations, 1958. namely:-
1. (1) These regulations may be called the Union Public Service Commission (Exemption from Consultation) Amendment Regulations. 2015.
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
2. In the Union Public Service Commission (Exemption from Consultation) Regulations, 1958, in the Schedule all, after the item 5 and the entries relating thereto, the following item and entries shall be inserted, namely
“6. All Group ‘B’ posts carrying a Grade Pay less than Rs. 4800/- in- Pay Band-2 of Rs. 9300 to 34800/- filled by the method of deputation (including Short-Term Contract)”.
[No 39018/01/2015-Estt.(B)]
(Mamta Kundra)
Joint Secretary to the Government of India