News and information for Government Employees

News and information for Government Employees
“We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.”

Friday, 30 January 2015

GPF and Pension Benefits to Casual Labour with Temporary Status regularised after 1st January 2004

No. 49014/2/2014-Estt(C)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
North Block, New Delhi.

Dated the 29th January,2015.


Subject: GPF & Pension Benefits to Casual Labour with temporary status regularised after 1.1.2004 —regarding.
 The undersigned is directed to say that following the issue of this Department’s O.M. No. Dated 26.04.2004, the status of admissibility of pensionary benefits to CL-TS regularised after 1.1.2004 has been a subject of litigation in a number of  being contested by various Ministries/Department.
2. In order to take a view on the above issue and in view of the court rulings, it is requested that all Ministries/Departments may furnish the details of Casual Labour with temporary status (CL-TS) regularised after 1.1.2004 in the enclosed proforma latest by 07.02.2015.
3. The particulars of CL-TS yet to be regularised called for vide this Department’s O.M No. Dated 16.10.2014 may also be sent urgently, if not already sent.
(J. A. Vaidyanathan)

Source: DOPT

Thursday, 29 January 2015

Relaxation on air travel under LTC by any airline to be useful only in past cases pending for sanction as LTC block year 2010-13 ends in 31.12.2014 after extension

Restriction on LTC by Air Travel only in Air India Relaxed for the block year 2010-13 – Civil Aviation Ministry’s blanket permission for LTC by Air Travel by any airline in the case of non-availability of Air India Flight / Ticket

F. No. AV.18011/05/2012-AI
Government of India/ Ministry of Civil Aviation
Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, Safdarjung Airport
New Delhi
dated : 19.12.2014.

Subject: Air Travel on LTC for the Block year 2010-13 – relaxation of Government instructions regarding.
Ministry of Finance (MoF) vide O.M. No. 19024/1/2009-E.IV dated 13.7.2009 inter alia envisage that in all cases of air travel, both domestic and international, where the Government of India bears the cost of air passage, the officials concerned may travel only by Air India. For travel to stations not connected by Air India, the officials may travel by Air India to the hub/ point closest to their eventual destination, beyond which they may utilize the services of another airline etc. Department of Personnel & Training (DoPT) vide O.M. No.31o11/2/2006-Estt.(A) dated 27th July, 2009 had extended the applicability of the MoF’s instructions for LTC purposes. MoF directed that in all cases of deviation of above instructions etc. individual cases be referred to the Ministry of Civil Aviation (MoCA) for relaxation.
2. This Ministry has been receiving a number of requests for consideration of blanket/ general permission for LTC on routes where Air India does not provide service and also Air India tickets are not available. The matter has been examined in this Ministry and it has been decided with the approval of Competent Authority to grant permission to Government officials to travel by an airline other than Air India w.e.f. 10.12.2014, only for the purpose of the LTC Block year culminating on 31.12.2014 and only in cases of non-availability of required number of seats on Air India for onward journey till 31.12.2014 and also subject to the condition that the fare charged by any private airline, which is over and above the LTC 80 fare for the sector, shall be borne by the concerned Government official and also subject to the condition that purchase of tickets is done in accordance with the instructions issued by Ministry of Finance from time to time.

(Sunil pant)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India

Travel by availing LTC in Premium Trains by Central Government Employees – DOPT Clarification – Reimbursement to be restricted to admissible normal fare for the entitled class

No. 31011/ 2/ 2015-Estt.(A-IV)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training


North Block, New Delhi-110 001              Dated: 27th January, 2015

Subject: Travel by Premium Trains on LTC- Clarification reg.
The undersigned is directed to say that several references are received by this Department from various Ministry/ Departments seeking clarification regarding admissibility of travel by Premium Trains run by Indian Railways while availing of LTC.
2.   The matter has been examined in consultation with Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance and it has been decided that travel by Premium Trains is not permissible on LTC. Hence, the fare charged by the Indian Railways for the journey(s) performed by Premium trains shall not be reimbursable for the purpose of LTC. Cases where LTC travel in such Premium Trains has already been undertaken by the Central Government Employees, the train fare may be reimbursed restricting it to the admissible normal fare for the entitled class of  or the actual fare paid, whichever is less.
(B. Bandyopadhyay)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India

Friday, 23 January 2015

Dopt issued guidelines on prescribing Educational Qualifications and experience for recruitment of various post

Guidelines on prescribing Educational Qualifications and requisite experience in respect of various posts, Pay Band & Grade Pay/ Pay Scale for appointment by Direct Recruitment.

Educational Qualifications and requisite experience in respect of various posts, Pay Band & Grade Pay/ Pay Scale for appointment by Direct Recruitment or deputation depending upon the nature of functions and duties are being issued. 

No.AB.14017/ 27/20 14-Estt.(RR)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel P.G.& Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
North Block, New Delhi
Dated: 20.1.2015

Subject: – Guidelines for Educational Qualifications and experience for framing/amendment of Recruitment Rules.

Department of Personnel & Training vide 0M. No. AB. 14017/48/2010- Estt (RR) dated 31st December, 2010 have issued Guidelines on framing/amendment/relaxation of Recruitment Rules and Service Rules.

2. In continuation to the above, the following Guidelines on prescribing Educational Qualifications and requisite experience in respect of various posts, Pay Band & Grade Pay/ Pay Scale for appointment by Direct Recruitment or deputation depending upon the nature of functions and duties are being issued. These Guidelines may be adopted by the Ministries/ Departments as guide while framing Recruitment Rules for various posts. A draft OM to this effect is annexed herewith.

3. Ministries/ Departments are, therefore, requested to offer their comments on the proposed O.M positively by 20.2.2015

(Mukta Goel)
Director (E-I

No.AB-14017/ 27/2014-Estt.(RR)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel P.G.& Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
North Block, New Delhi
Dated: . .2015

Subject: – Guidelines for Educational Qualifications and Experience for framing/amendment of Recruitment Rules.

Department of Personnel & Training vide O.M. No. AB.14017/48/2010- Estt (RR) dated 31st December, 2010 have issued Guidelines on framing/amendment/relaxation of Recruitment Rules and Service Rules.

2. In continuation to the above, the following Guidelines on prescribing Educational Qualifications and requisite experience in respect of various posts, Pay Band & Grade Pay/ Pay Scale for appointment by Direct Recruitment or deputation depending upon the nature of functions and duties are being issued. These Guidelines may be adopted by the Ministries/ Departments as guide while framing Recruitment Rules for various posts.

3. The above guidelines may not be applicable in cases where specific Educational Qualifications and experience has been prescribed by Department of Expenditure (e.g. while creating the post etc), orders/ instructions issued by this Department. (viz. Model RRs, FCS guidelines, Notification for Group ‘C’ posts & LDC, etc.) or by other Ministries/Departments (viz. AICTE/UGC norms under D/o Higher Education). Further, these educations qualifications are not exhaustive but illustrative.

4. All the Ministries/Departments are also advised that while revising/framing the Recruitment Rules, they may prescribe that possession of IT Skills would be a mandatory requirement at the entry level in respect of all the Direct Recruitment. The level of IT skill may be prescribed keeping in view the duties level and responsibilities attached to the post. For promotion, it may be stipulated that promotions would be made subject to employees successfully completing the prescribed training course. The courses in IT skills would need to be developed keeping in view the functions, responsibility and the level of the post to which the promotions is being made.

(Mukta Goel)
Director (E-I

Saturday, 17 January 2015

7th CPC propose to visit Andaman & Nicobar Islands from 4th to 7th February, 2015.

Commission's visit to Andaman & Nicobar Islands
The Commission, headed by its Chairman, Justice Shri A. K. Mathur, proposes to visit Andaman & Nicobar Islands from 4th to 7th February, 2015.
The Commission would like to invite various entities/associations/federations representing any/all categories of employees covered by the terms of reference of the Commission to present their views.
Your request for a meeting with the Commission may be sent through e-mail to the Secretary, 7th Central Pay Commission at The memorandum already submitted by the requesting entity may also be sent as an attachment with this e-mail.
The last date for receiving request for meeting is 31st January 2015 (1700 hours).