News and information for Government Employees

News and information for Government Employees
“We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.”

Friday, 28 March 2014

Dopt Orders : Amendment of Recruitment Rules/Service Rules -regarding.

No.AB.14017/61/2008-Estt. (RR) 
Government of India 
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions 
Department of Personnel and Training
New Delhi 

Dated :the March 25, 2014 


Subject: Amendment of Recruitment Rules/Service Rules -regarding. 

The UPSC has undertaken an analysis with respect to the Ministries/Departments from whom RR proposals have either rarely been received or not received at all in the Commission during the last three years. From the aforesaid analysis the following conclusions have been drawn by UPSC: 

i) There are cases where the Ministries were granted approval by the Commission for filling up the post as a one-time measure, pending finalization of recruitment rules. However, the Ministries have not framed the recruitment rules of such posts as a follow up to the same. 

ii) Recruitment Rules are not being amended on a regular basis (every five years) as required as per the norms of DoPT. 

iii) Instances have been noticed where the regular posts are filled up by the Ministries/Departments themselves without consulting the Commission, by appointing consultant or by making ad-hoc appointments. 

iv) Ministries/Departments have not specified the posts which are exempted from consultation with the U.P.S.C. or taken out of the purview of the U.P.S.C. 

2. DoPT instructions contained in O.M. No. 39021/5/83-Estt. (B) dated 9th July, 1985 and OM No. AB 14017/79/2006-Estt.(RR) dated 6th September, 2007 provide that where no Recruitment Rules exist or where the existing Recruitment Rules are repealed as per the prescribed procedure, the option of approaching the UPSC for suggesting one time method for recruitment to the post would be available. Accordingly, Ministries/Departments are advised to ensure that no ad-hoc appointment should be made in the absence of recruitment rules. In case there are overriding compulsions for filling up any Group A or Group B post in the absence of Recruitment Rules, they should make a reference to the UPSC for deciding the mode of recruitment to fill up the post on regular basis. 

3. DoPT guidelines on framing/amendment/ Relaxation of Recruitment Rules dated 31.12.2010 vide Para 3.1.5 provide that the Recruitment Rules should be reviewed once in 5 years with a view to effecting such change as are necessary to bring them in conformity with the changed position, including additions to or reductions in the strength of the lower and higher level posts. Further, consequent upon the implementation of 6th CPC recommendations, DoPT vide OM dated 24.3.2009 issued instructions to all the Ministries/Departments to initiate action to amend the existing Service Rules/Recruitment Rules in view of the revised pay structure/merger of pre-revised pay scales/up-gradation etc.

UPSC has observed that many Ministries/Departments are not adhering to these instructions and requisitions are being received from them to operate recruitment rules notified even twenty five years ago. Ministries/Departments are, therefore, once again directed to effect necessary amendments to the Recruitment Rules/Service Rules after following the due procedure of furnishing proposals to the Department of Personnel & Training and the UPSC. 

4. Ministries/Departments need to ensure that appointment to all posts are effected as per the provisions in the Recruitment Rules which are statutory in nature and adhere to these instructions scrupulously.

(Mukta Goel)
Director (E-I)

DA - Order of Finance Ministry

No.1/1/2014-F-II (B)
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure

North Block, New Delhi
Dated: 27th March. 2014


Subject: Payment of Dearness Allowance to Central Government employees - Revised Rates effective from 1.1.2014.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry’s Office Memorandum No.I-8/2013-E-II (B) dated 25th September, 2013 on the subject mentioned above and to say that the President is pleased to decide that the Dearness Allowance payable to Central Government employees shall be enhanced from the existing rate of 90% to 100% with effect from January, 2014.

2. The provisions contained in paras 3, 4 and 5 of this Ministry’s O.M. No.1(3)/2008-E-11(B) dated 29th August, 2008 shall continue to be applicable while regulating Dearness Allowance under these orders.

3. The additional installment of Dearness Allowance payable under these orders shall be paid in cash to all Central Government employees.

4. The payment of arrears of Dearness Allowance shall not he made before the date of disbursement of salary of March. 2014.

5. These orders shall also apply to the civilian employees paid from the Defence Services Estimates and the expenditure will be chargeable to the relevant head of the Defence Services Estimates. In regard to Armed Forces personnel and Railway employees, separate orders will he issued by the Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Railways, respectively.

6. In so far as the employees working in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders are issued with the concurrence of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.

Under Secretary to the Government of India

Saturday, 22 March 2014

DoPT Order on - "Closing of Central Government Offices in connection with General Elections"


P. NO. 12/7/2014-JCA 2
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)

North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 21st March,2014


Subject: Closing of Central Government Offices in connection with general elections to the Lok Sabha and State Legislative Assemblies and Bye Elections to Legislative Assemblies during 2014.

The undersigned is directed to say that in connection with the general elections to the Lok Sabha and State Legislative Assemblies of Andhra Pradesh, Odisha & Sikkim and Bye Elections to Legislative Assemblies of some States, scheduled to be held in 2014, the following guidelines, already issued by DOPT vide OM No. 12/14/99-JCA dated 10th October, 2001, have to be followed for closing of the Central Government Offices including Industrial Establishments in the States:-

(i) The relevant offices/organizations shall remain closed on the day of poll in the notified areas where general elections to the Lok Sabha and State Legislative Assembly are scheduled to be conducted.

(ii) In connection with bye-election to State Assembly, only such of the employees who are bona-fide voters in the relevant constituency should be granted special casual leave on the day of polling. Special Casual leave may also be granted to an employee who is ordinarily a resident of constituency and registered as a voter but employed in any Central Government Organization/Industrial Establishment located outside the constituency having a general/bye-election.

2. The above instructions may be brought to the notice of all concerned.

(Ashok Kumar)
Deputy Secretary(JCA)

Thursday, 13 March 2014

DoPT Orders - Declaration of Holiday on 14th April, 2014 – Birthday of Dr.B.R. Ambedkar.

F. No.12/4/2014-JCA-2
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)

North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 12th March, 2014.


Subject: Declaration of Holiday on 14th April, 2014 – Birthday of Dr.B.R. Ambedkar.

It has been decided to declare Monday, the 14th April 2014, as a Closed Holiday on account of the birthday of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, for all Central Government Offices including Industrial Establishments throughout India.

2. The above holiday is also being notified in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 25 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 (26 of

3. All Ministries/Departments of Government of India may bring the above decision to the notice of all concerned.

(Ashok Kumar)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Expectations from 7th Pay Commission


सातवाँ केन्द्रीय वेतन आयोग
भारत में पुरातन काल से ही श्रम को अत्यधिक महत्व दिया जाता रहा है तथा श्रम की महत्ता को ध्यान में रखने के कारण प्रचीन भारत में वेतन संबंधी विवाद न के बराबर थे।  रामायण व महाभारत के शांति पर्व में भृतति वेतन बोनल आदि के अनेक श्लोक हैं जो व्यवस्था के नियंत्रक मानक थे और राजा इनका पालन करते थे।  मध्यकालीन समय में श्रम के मूल्य को उत्पादित वस्तु के रूप में शादी ब्याह में सावनी व जड़ावर के रूप में राशि देकर औद्योगिक संबंधों को मधुर बनाये रखने की प्राचीन परम्परा रही है।
मानवता की प्रगति के साथ इस व्यवस्था में परिवर्तन हुआ, अंग्रजों के शासनकाल में बढ़े शोषण के कारण कर्मचारी संगठित हुये, यूनियनें बनी वेतन सम्बन्धी अलग-अलग उद्योगो में अलग अवधारणायें बनी और उसी के अनुरूप वेतन दिया जाने लगा।
इतिहास यह बताता है कि आज लागू पेमेंट ऑफ वेजेज एक्ट 1936 के साथ साथ अन्य तमाम श्रम कानूनों की अवधारणा तथा कार्यान्वयन ब्रिटिश साम्राज्य में हुआ था।
देश छोड़ते समय ब्रिटिश साम्राज्य ने संगठित सरकारी कर्मचारियों के लिए, संभवत: एक तोहफे के रूप में 1646 में श्री श्रीनिवास वरदाचारियर के नेतृत्व में पहला केन्द्रीय वेतन आयोग गठित किया जिसने एक वर्ष में अपनी रिपोर्ट प्रस्तुत की।  पहले वेतन आयोग की सिफारिशों के आधार, इसलिंग्टन कमीशन का लिविंग वेजेज का विचार था।  इस कमीशन ने पाया कि किस प्रकार से इसलिंग्टन कमीशन के लिविंग वेजेज विचार को वर्तमान में स्थितियों के अनुसार उदारतापूर्वक परिभाषित किया जाना चाहिए और एक कामगार व्यक्ति का वेतन किसी भी प्रकार से लिविंग वेजेज से कम नहीं होना चाहिए।  आयोग ने लिविंग वेजेज पर बल दिया और कहा कि सरकार जो कि न्यूनतम वेतन की अवधारणा को निजी क्षेत्र में लागू करने जा रही थी उसे अपने कर्मचारियों के लिए इसका पालन करना चाहिए।  आयोग ने यह भी सिफारिश भी की कि कर्मचारियों के सबसे नीचे तबके के व्यक्ति को कम से कम अपने जीवन यापन के लिए न्यूनतम मजदूरी वेतन मिलना ही चाहिए।
आजादी के 10 वर्षों के बाद, अगस्त 1957 में दूसरे वेतन आयोग का गठन हुआ और इसने अपनी रिपोर्ट दो वर्षों में दी, इस आयोग की सिफारिशों का भार 396 मिलियन रुपये का था।   इस केन्द्रीय वेतन आयोग के अध्यक्ष श्री जगन्नाथ दास थे।  दूसरे केन्द्रीय वेतन आयोग ने उन सिद्धान्तों का निर्धारण किया जिनके आधार पर किसी का वेतन तय हो सकता है।  इसने यह भी कहा कि वेतन संरचना तथा सरकारी कर्मचारी की कार्य स्थिति को इस प्रकार से जोड़ा जाना चाहिए ताकि न्यूनतम योग्यता वाले व्यक्तियों को भर्ती करके भी प्रभावशाली कार्य सुनिश्चित किया जा सके।
तीसरे वेतन आयोग का गठन अप्रैल 1970 में हुआ जिसने अपनी रिपोर्ट मार्च 1973 में दी।  इसकी सिफारिशों से सरकार पर 1.44 अरब रूपये का भार पड़ा।  इसके अध्यक्ष श्री रघुवीर दयाल जी थे।  इस वेतन अयोग ने ढ़ांचे में तीन महत्वपूर्ण अवधारणाओं समावेश, व्यापकता एवं प्रयाप्ता को मजबूती से शामिल करने पर बल दिया। तीसरे वेतन आयोग ने पहले वेतन आयोग की न्यूनतम वेतन की अवधारणा से बाहर निकल कर कार्य किया, इस वेतन आयोग की रिपोर्ट कहती है कि सच्ची परीक्षा यह है कि सरकार की सेवायें आकर्षक रहें, सरकार की आवश्यकता के लोग इसके साथ बने रहें और ये लोग मिलने वाले वेतन से संतुष्ट रहें।
चौथे वेतन आयोग का गठन 29 जुलाई 1983 को हुआ और इसने अपनी रिपोर्ट 4 वर्षों में, तीन चरणों में दी और इसे 1.1.1986 से लागू किया गया।  इस आयोग द्वारा न्यूनतम अनुशंसित वेतन 750 रुपये था।  इस वेतन आयोग ने इस बात की भी सिफारिश की कि कर्मचारियों के वेतन एवं भत्तों की समीक्षा के लिए एक स्थायी मशीनरी होनी चाहिए, परंतु यह कभी कार्यान्वित नहीं हो सका।
न्यायमूर्ति एस. रत्नवेल पाण्डियन की अध्यक्षता में 1994 में पांचवे वेतन आयोग का गठन हुआ, इस आयोग ने जनवरी 1997 में अपनी रिपोर्ट दी।  सरकार ने इसकी अधिकतर सिफारिशों को स्वीकार किया तथा जुलाई 1997 में इसके पैकेज को लागू करने की घोषणा की।  इस वेतन आयेाग की सिफारिशें 01.01.1996 से लागू हुईं।  इस वेतन अयोग ने न्यूनतम वेतन को 750 रुपये बढ़ाकर 2550 रुपये कर दिया।  इसने यह भी सुझाव दिया कि पे स्केल की संख्या 51 से घटाकर 34 कर दी जाए।  इसके सुझावों में यह भी था कि सरकारी कर्मचारियों की संख्या 30 प्रतिशत कम कर दी जाये।  इस आयोग ने यह भी सुझाव दिया कि वेतन बढ़ोतरी मंजूरी बिन्दु को, कर्मचारियों की संख्या में कमी, दक्षता तथा प्रशासनिक सुधार से जोड़ दिया जाए।
इसके बाद, देश में केन्द्रीय सरकारी कर्मचारियों का वेतन निर्धारण करने हेतु छठवें वेतन आयोग का गठन हुआ, इसे केन्द्र के साथ-साथ राज्य सरकारों ने 01.01.2006 से लागू किया।  वेतन तथा डीए के लिए इसका कार्यान्वयन 01.01.2006 से हुआ परन्तु अन्य भत्ते 01.09.2008 से लागू हुये।  तमाम फेडरेशनों ने इस वेतन आयोग द्वारा लागू की जा रही एम.ए.सी.पी. जैसी प्रतिकूल योजनाओं तथा सी.जी.इ.जी.आई.एस. लाभ बढ़ोत्तरी के लागू न होने के बारे में अपनी चिन्ता जताई।
भारतीय मजदूर संघ ने हमेशा से यह मांग रखी कि सरकार को स्थाई प्रकार की एक त्रिपक्षीय वेनत निर्धारण मशीनरी बनानी चाहिए जैसे कि निजी क्षेत्रों में तथा सार्वजनिक प्रतिष्ठानों में है, ताकि वेतन कि प्रत्येक पाँच वर्षों में एक रूटीन कार्य की तरह संशोधित किया जा सके।
भारतीय मजदूर संघ के सतत दबाव के कारण भारत सरकार ने 25.09.2013 को सातवें केन्द्रीय वेनत आयोग के गठन की घोषणा की तथा 10 वर्षों की अवधि में संभावित रूप में इसे 01.01.2016 से लागू किया जाना है।  तथापि आज मुद्रास्फीति का स्तर, कर्मचारियों को वार्षिक रूप में प्रदान किये जाने वाले 3 प्रतिशत मंगाई की तुलना मे लगातार बहुत तेजी से बढ़ रहा है।  यहां तक कि डी.ए. 100 प्रतिशत के ऊपर पहूंच चुका है।
भारतीय मजदूर संघ के इस 17वें त्रैवार्षिक अधिवेशन में सर्वसम्मति से निम्नलिखित प्रस्ताव पारित किया जाता है तथा भारत सरकार से यह मांग की जाती है कि निम्नलिखित मुद्दों पर तत्काल कार्यवाही की जाए अन्यथा भारतीय मजदूर संघ राष्ट्रव्यापी आन्दोलन कार्यक्रम चलायेगा -
  1. स्थायी प्रकार की एक त्रिपक्षीय वेतन निर्धारण मशीनरी बनायी जाए।
  2. शत प्रतिशत डी0ए0 50 प्रतिशत डी0ए0 01.01.2011 से तथा अगला 50 प्रतिशत डी0ए0 01.01.2014 सभी लाभ सहित, मूल वेतन के साथ जोड़ दिया जाए और सारे लाभ तत्काल प्रभार से दिये जाय।
  3. ऐसी घोषणा होने तक तथा सातवें वेतन आयोग की रिपोर्ट स्वीकार तथा लागू होने तक की स्थिति में प्रत्येक केन्द्रीय कर्मचारी को सात हजार रुपये प्रतिमाह की अंतरिम राहत प्रदान की जाए
  4. सभी प्रकार की विसंगतियों जैसे कि ग्रुप बीमा योजना लाभ में बढ़ोतरी, ए0सी0पी0/एम0ए0सी0पी0 मामले बिना देरी के हल किये जाएं।
  5. उद्योगों के प्रबन्ध तंत्र मे कामगारों की सहभागिता तथा बेहतर सामंजस्यपूर्ण रिश्ते को ध्यान में रखते हुए, भारत के संविधान के अनुच्छेद 43-ए के संदर्भ में Directive Principle of State Policy को ध्यान में रखकर Joint Consultation & Compulsory Arbitration (JCMScheme) की वर्तमान प्रणाली की समीक्षा की जाए ताक‍ि नियोक्ता के रूप में सरकार तथा इसके कर्मचारियों में अधिकतम सहयोग सुनिश्चित किया जा सके तथा लोक सेवा में लगे कर्मचारियों की क्षमता को बढ़ाया जा सके।
  6. एक आदर्श नियोक्ता होने की बात सरकार को अपने मन में रखते हुए, सातवें वेतन आयोग द्वारा ठेका मजदूर को उनकी सत्यनिष्ठा, जिम्मेदारी तथा सेवा प्रदान करने की बात को ध्यान में रखते हुए तैनात करने की बात की जानी चाहिए।  तथा उन्हें स्थाई कर्मचारियों के समान वेतन तथा अन्य सुविधायें प्रदान किया जाना चाहिए।
  7. उच्च 5 केन्द्रीय श्रम संगठनों के एक-एक प्रतिनिधि, सातवें वेतन आयोग के सदस्य के रूप में होने चाहिए तथा यह भी मांग की जाती है कि सातवें वेतन आयोग की रिपोर्ट 01.06.2015 तक आ जानी चाहिए तथा उसकी जाँच समीक्षा आद‍ि के बाद में उसे 01.01.2016 से लागू किया जा सके।
  8. नई पेंशन स्कीम को रद्द करके कर्मचारियों को पूरा वेतन दिया जाय एवं पुरानी पंशन लागू की जाय।
  9. न्यूनतम तथा अधिकतम वेतन का अनुपात 1:10 किया जाये।
  10. वेतन निर्धारण में परिवार की परिभाषा बदनी जानी चाहिए तीन यूनिट परिवार के स्थान पर 6 यूनिट परिवार मानते हुए गणना की जानी चाहिए।  एक स्वंय एक पत्नी, दो बच्चे, माता एवं पिता का परिवार मानते हुए 6 यूनिट को परिवार माना जाए।
प्रस्तावक- साधू सिंह
समर्थक – एम.एम. देशपाण्डे


Thursday, 6 March 2014

Due-Date of Filing of TDS/TCS Extended upto 31.03.2014 in the Case of Government Deductors

Due-Date of Filing of TDS/TCS Statements for FY 2012-13 (2nd to 4th Quarter) and FY 2013-14 (1st to 3rd Quarter) Extended upto 31.03.2014 in the Case of Government Deductors 
The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) had received several petitions from various deductors requesting waiver of fee levied u/s 234E of the Income-tax Act for delay in filing of TDS/TCS statements. It was stated that the delay was because of certain difficulties being faced by the Government deductors for reasons beyond their control. On a consideration of the difficulties being cited by the deductors, the CBDT has decided, as a one-time exception, to ex-post facto extend the due date of filing of TDS/TCS statements for FY 2012-13 (2nd to 4th Quarter) and FY 2013-14 (1st to 3rd Quarter) to 31.03.2014 in the case of Government deductors. This will have an effect of automatic waiver of the fee u/s 234E so levied. However, any fee already paid by a Government deductor shall not be refunded. 

Wednesday, 5 March 2014



Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Dopt orders on inter se seniority of direct recruits and promotees - instructions thereof

No. 20011/1/2012-Estt. (D)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pension
Department of Personnel & Training

North Block, New Delhi,
Dated the 4th March, 2014


Subject: Inter se seniority of direct recruits and promotees - instructions thereof

The undersigned is directed to refer to the subject mentioned above and to say that the fundamental principles of inter se seniority of direct recruits and promotees in Central Civil Services/posts were laid down in the Department of Personnel & Training (DOPT) O.M. No. 9/11/55-RPS dated 29.12.1959 which provided, Inter alia, that the relative seniority of direct recruits and of promotees shall be determined according to the rotation of vacancies between direct recruits and promotees, which shall be based on the quotas of vacancies reserved for direct recruitment and promotion respectively, in the Recruitment Rules.

2. The carrying forward of unfilled slots of a vacancy year, for being filled up by direct recruits of later years, was dispensed with through modified instructions contained in D0PT 0.M. No.35014/2/80-Estt.(D) dated 7.2.1986 which provides that rotation of quotas for purpose of determining seniority would take place only to the extent of the available direct recruits and the promotees. The unfilled direct recruitment/promotion quota vacancies would be carried forward andadded to the corresponding direct recruitment/promotion quota vacancies of the next year (and to subsequent years where necessary) for taking action for the total number of direct recruitment/promotioal according to the usual practice. Thereafter, in that year, while seniority will be determined between direct recruits and promotees, to the extent of the number of vacancies for direct recruits and promotees, as determined according to the quota for that year, the additional direct recruits/promotees selected against the carried forward vacancies of the previous year, would be placed en-bloc below the last promotee/direct recruit, asthe case may be, in the seniority list, based on the rotation of vacancies for that year.

3. All the existing instructions on seniority were consolidated by DOPT through a single OM. No. 22011/7/86 Estt(D) dated 03.07.1986.

4. In view of divergent stance taken by different Ministries/Departments on interpretation of ‘available direct recruits and promotees’ in the context of OM dated 7.2.86, the DoPT had issued O.M. No. 20011/1/2006-Estt.(D) dated 3.3.2008 which provided that the actual year of appointment, both in the case of direct/recruits and prornotees, would be reckoned as the year of availability for the purpose of rotation and fixation of inter se seniority.

5. The matter has been examined in pursuance of Hon’ble Supreme Court Judgment on 27.11.2012, in Civil Appeal No. 7514-7515/2005 in the case of N.R.Parmar vs. UOl & Ors in consultation with the Department of Legal Affairs and it has been decided, that the manner of determination of Inter-se-seniority of directrecruits and promotes would be as under:

a) DoPT OM No. 20011/1/2006Æstt.(D) dated 3.3.2008 is treated as non-existent/withdrawn ab initio;

b) The rotation of quota based on the available direct recruits and promotees appointed against the vacancies of a Recruitment Year, as provided In DOPT O.M. dated 7.2.1986/3.07.1986, would continue to operate for determination of inter se seniority between direct recruits and promotees;

c) The available direct recruits and promotees, for assignment of inter se seniority, would refer to the direct recruits and promotees who are appointed against the vacancies of a Recruitment Year;

d) Recruitment Year would be the year of initiating the recruitment process against a vacancy year;

e) Initiation of recruitment process against a vacancy year would be the date of sending of requisition for filling up of vacancies to the recruiting agency in the case of direct recruits; in the case of promotees the date on which a proposal, complete In all respects, is sent to UPSC/Chairmarn-DPC for convening of DPC to fill up the vacancies through promotion would be the relevant date.

f) The initiation of recruitment process for any of the modes viz, direct recruitment or promotion would be deemed to be the Initiation of recruitment process for the other mode as well;

g) Carry forward of vacancies against direct recruitment or promotion quota would be determined from the appointments made against the first attempt for filling up of the vacancies for a Recruitment Year;

h) The above principles for determination of inter se seniority of direct recruits and promotees would be effective from 27.11.2012, the date of Supreme Court Judgment in Civil Appeal No. 7514-7515/2005 In thecase of N.R. Parmar Vs. UOl & Ors 

I) The cases of seniority already settled with reference to the applicable interpretation of the term availability, as contained in DoPT O.M. dated 7.2.86/3.7.86 may not be reopened.

7. As the conferment of seniority would be against the Recruitment Year in which the recruitment process is initiated for filling up of the vacancies, It is incumbent upon all administrative authorities to ensure that the recruitment process is initiated during the vacancy year itself. While requisition for filling up the vacancies for direct recruitment should be sent to the recruiting agency, complete in all respects, during the vacancy year itself, the timelines specified in the Model Calendar for DPCs contained in DoPT O.M. No.22011/9/98-Estt(D)dated 8.9.98 and the Consolidated Instructions on DPCs contained In O.M.No.22011/S/86-Estt(D) dated April 10, 1989 should be scrupulously adhered to, for filling up the vacancies against promotion quota.

(Mukta Goel)


Terms of Reference of 6th Central Pay Commission and 7th Central Pay Commission

Comparison table is given below, there is no much difference between the ToR of both CPC

The below table describes the difference in Terms of References between 6th and 7th CPC...

Terms of Reference of the Sixth Central Pay Commission 

A. To examine the principles, the date of effect thereof that should govern the structure of pay, allowances and other facilities/benefits whether in cash or in kind to the following categories of employees :-

1. Central government employees – industrial and non-industrial.
2. Personnel belonging to the All India Services.
3. Personnel belonging to the Armed Forces.
4. Personnel to the Union Territories.
5. Officers and employees of the Indian Audit and Accounts Department.
6. Members of the regulatory bodies (excluding the RBI) set up under Acts of Parliament*.
7. Officers and employees of Supreme Court of India**.

B. To transform the Central Government Organisations into modern, professional and citizen-friendly entities that are dedicated to the service of the people.

C. To work out a comprehensive pay package for the categories of Central Government employees mentioned at (A) above that is suitably linked to promoting efficiency, productivity and economy through rationalization of structures, organizations, systems and processes within the government, with a view leveraging economy, accountability, responsibility, transparency, assimilation of technology and discipline.

D. To harmonize the functioning of the Central Government Organisations with the demands of the emerging global economic scenario. This would also take in account, among other relevant factors, the totality of benefits available to the employees, need of rationalization and simplification, thereof, the prevailing pay structure and retirement benefits available under the Central Public Sector Undertakings, the economic conditions in the country, the need to observe fiscal prudence in the management of the economy, the resources of the Central Government and the demands thereon on account of economic and social development, defence, national security and the global economic scenario, and the impact upon the finances of the States if the recommendations are adopted by the States.

E. To examine the principles which should govern the structure of pension, death-cum-retirement gratuity, family pension and other terminal or recurring benefits having financial implications to the present and former Central Government employees appointed before January 1, 2004.

F. To make recommendations with respect to the general principles, financial parameters and conditions which should govern payment of bonus and the desirability and feasibility of introducing Productivity Linked Incentive Scheme in place of the existing ad hoc bonus scheme in various Departments and to recommend specific formulae for determining the productivity index and other related parameters.

G. To examine desirability and the need to sanction any interim relief till the time the recommendations of the Commission are made and accepted by the Government. *A. vi substituted by Ministry of Finance Resolution No.5/2/20006-E.III (A) dated the 7th December, 2006. **A. vii substituted by Ministry of Finance Resolution No.5/2/2006-E.III (A) dated the 8th August, 2007.

The Commission will devise its own procedure and may appoint such Advisers, institutional consultants and experts, as it may consider necessary for any particular purpose. It may call for such information and take such evidence, as it may consider necessary. Ministries and Departments of the Government of India will furnish such information and documents and other assistance as may be required by the Commission.

The Government of India trusts that State Governments, Service Association and others concerned will extend to the Commission their fullest cooperation and assistance. The Commission will have its headquarters in Delhi.

The Commission will make its recommendations within 18 months of the date of its constitution. It may consider, if necessary, sending reports on any of the matters as and when the recommendations are finalized.
Terms of Reference of the 7th Central Pay Commission

Cabinet approved TOR of 7th CPC 7th Central Pay Commission

The Union Cabinet today gave its approval to the Terms of Reference of 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC) as follows:-
a) To examine, review, evolve and recommend changes that are desirable and feasible regarding the principles that should govern the emoluments structure including pay, allowances and other facilities/benefits, in cash or kind, having regard to rationalization and simplification therein as well as the specialized needs of various Departments, agencies and services, in respect of the following categories of employees:-
i. Central Government employees-industrial and non-industrial;
ii. Personnel belonging to the All India Services;
iii. Personnel of the Union Territories;
iv. Officers and employees of the Indian Audit and Accounts Department;
v. Members of regulatory bodies (excluding the Reserve Bank of India) set up under Acts of Parliament; and
vi. Officers and employees of the Supreme Court.

b) To examine, review, evolve and recommend changes that are desirable and feasible regarding principles that should govern the emoluments structure, concessions and facilities/benefits, in cash or kind, as well as retirement benefits of personnel belonging to the Defence Forces, having regard to historical and traditional parities, with due emphasis on aspects unique to these personnel.

c) To work out the framework for an emoluments structure linked with the need to attract the most suitable talent to Government service, promote efficiency, accountability and responsibility in the work culture, and foster excellence in the public governance system to respond to complex challenges of modern administration and rapid political, social, economic and technological changes, with due regard to expectations of stakeholders, and to recommend appropriate training and capacity building through a competency based framework.

d) To examine the existing schemes of payment of bonus, keeping in view, among other things, its bearing upon performance and productivity and make recommendations on the general principles, financial parameters and conditions for an appropriate incentive scheme to reward excellence in productivity, performance and integrity.

e) To review the variety of existing allowances presently available to employees in addition to pay and suggest their rationalization and simplification, with a view to ensuring that the pay structure is so designed as to take these into account.

f) To examine the principles which should govern the structure of pension and other retirement benefits, including revision of pension in the case of employees who have retired prior to the date of effect of these recommendations, keeping in view that retirement benefits of all Central Government employees appointed on and after 01.01.2004 are covered by the New Pension Scheme (NPS).

g) To make recommendations on the above, keeping in view:
i. the economic conditions in the country and need for fiscal prudence;
ii. the need to ensure that adequate resources are available for developmental expenditures and welfare measures;
iii. the likely impact of the recommendations on the finances of the State Governments, which usually adopt the recommendations with some modifications;
iv. the prevailing emolument structure and retirement benefits available to employees of Central Public Sector Undertakings; and
v. the best global practices and their adaptability and relevance in Indian conditions.

h) To recommend the date of effect of its recommendations on all the above. The Commission will make its recommendations within 18 months of the date of its constitution.

It may consider, if necessary, sending interim reports on any of the matters as and when the recommendations are finalised. 

The decision will result in the benefit of improved pay and allowances as well as rationalization of the pay structure in case of Central Government employees and other employees included in the scope of the 7th Central Pay Commission.

Central Pay Commissions are periodically constituted to go into various issues ofemoluments’ structure, retirement benefits and other service conditions of Central Government employees and to make recommendations on the changes required.

Saturday, 1 March 2014

7th Pay Commission may recommend in its interim report to merge 50% of DA with basic pay..!

NEW DELHI: The Union Cabinet on Friday raised dearness allowance to 100% from 90%, benefiting 50 lakh employees and 30 lakh pensioners.

The government has also cleared the way for merger of 50% DA with basic pay by approving it among the terms of reference of the 7th Pay Commission. An official said now the commission can suggest the merger in its interim report. 

He added that 50% DA merger with basic pay will roughly increase the gross salaries of central government employees by around 30%.

The Cabinet approved the proposal to release an additional installment of DA and dearness relief (DR) to pensioners with effect from January 1, 2014, in cash, but not before the disbursement of the salary for the month of March 2014 at the rate of 10% increase over the existing rate of 90%, said an official statement.

Central government employees as well as pensioners are entitled for DA/DR at the rate of 100 per cent of the basic with effect from January 1, 2014, it said.

The government has estimated that the combined impact on exchequer on account of both DA and DR would be Rs 11,074.80 crore every year.

Source : Times of India

Notice of "PEN DOWN SHOWS" by all employees/staff of Health Department of A & N Aministration in all over the Islands w.e.f. 5.3.2014 to stress the demand of HPCA/PCA.