News and information for Government Employees

News and information for Government Employees
“We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.”

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES NEWS: Expected DA from July 2012 may be 7% again

CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES NEWS: Expected DA from July 2012 may be 7% again

GPF (General Provident Fund) interest rate Revised for 2012-13

Government of India 
Ministry of Finance 
(Department of Economic affairs)

New Delhi, the 22nd May, 2012


It is announced for general information that during the year 2012-2013, accumulations at the credit of subscribers to the General Provident Fund and other similar funds shall carry interest at the rate of 8.8% (Eight point eight per cent) per annum.This rates will be in force during the financial year beginning on 1.4.2012.

The funds concerned are :-

1. The General Provident Fund (Central Services).
2. The Contributory Provident Fund (India).
3. The All India Services Provident Fund.
4. The State Railway Provident Fund.
5. The General Provident Fund (Defence Services).
6. The Indian Ordnance Department Provident Fund.
7. The Indian Ordnance Factories Workmen’s Provident Fund.
8. The Indian Naval Dockyard Workmen’s Provident Fund.
9. The Defence Services Officers Provident Fund.
10. The Armed Forces Personnel Provident Fund.

2. Ordered that the Resolution be published in Gazette of India.

(Brajendra Navnit) 
Deputy Secretary (Budget)

Affiliation of A&N Electricity Technical Employees Association with GEF

Patron                                 GEF/ANI/2012/25                                                                                   19.04.2012
    Shri. Kuldip Rai Sharma
          Social Worker


The Chief Secretary,
A & N Administration,
Port Blair.

Subject :- Intimation of Affiliation of A&N Electricity Technical Employees
                 Association  - regarding.  

            We have received an application from General Secretary, A & N Electricity Technical Employees Association Port Blair  for  affiliation of their Association.  Which was placed before the General Body meeting of our Federation held on 14.04.2012 and the house has unanimously resolved  to affiliate the Association.

            Accordingly, we have affiliated the Association and enclosed the following documents for your kind information and necessary action.

1                    Copy of application received for affiliation.
2                    Copy of Proceedings of General Body meeting of the Association held.
3                    List of Office Bearers of the Association.
4                    Copy of Charter of demands.

Thanking You.
Yours faithfully,

Copy to :-

1.      The Senior PS to Hon’ble  Lt. Governor, Raj NIwas, Port Blair for kind information to Hon’ble Lt. Governor.
2.      The Commissioner -Cum-Secretary (Power), A&N Administration, Port Blair for kind information and necessary action.
3.      The Secretary (Personnel), A&N Administration, Port Blair for kind information.
4.      The Superintending Engineer, Electricity Department, Port Blair for kind information and necessary action.
5.      Shri. Kuldip Rai Sharma, Patron Govt. Employees Federation, Gandhi Bhavan, Port Blair for kind information.
6.      The General Secretary, A&N Electricity Technical Employees
Association, Port Blair for  kind information.



 The General Body meeting of Government Employees Federation, A&N Islands  was held on 14.04.2012 at 5.00 p.m. in the Premises of its Office at Gandhi Bhavan, Port Blair. In which, the following office bearers were elected.
1.         PRESIDENT                  -     Mr. P.KANNAN

2.         Vice President             - 1. Mr. H.A.Siddique         2. Mr. K.Madhava Rao
                                                  3. Mr. N.Venkataratnam  4. Mr. Shyam Karan


4.         Asst.Gen.Sec.Cum-Treasurer-    Mr. M.Murugeshan.                                            

5.         Secretary                         - 1. Mr. U.Sibu       2. Mr. J.M.Nair
      3. Mr. M.K.Dutta  4. Mr. Shakeel Aktar

6.         Joint Secretary (P/Blair)  - 1. Mr. Deepak Johnson
              -do-( Middle Andaman) - 2. Mr. E.V.Rao
              -do-( North  Andaman)  - 3. Mr. Manwar Khan
              -do-( South Andaman)  - 4. Mr. Sada Shakthi
              -do-( Car Nicobar )       - 5. Mr. K.Balakrishnan

7.         Organising Secretary   - 1. Mr. K.Shesha Rao,  2. Mr. Sourit Mondal
                                       3. Mr. M.Jothi               4. Mr. Jagdish

8.         Office Secretary           - 1. Mr. Prakash  Rao,             2. Mr. Aiyaramu
                                                   3. Mr. K.Hamza                     4. Mr. Sengupta

1.      Mr. Moti Lall             9.         Mr. N.A.Rasheed
2.      Mr. S.K.Bala           10.        Mr. Nizamuddin
3.      Mr. B.M.Sutradar    11.        Mrs. Bina Vaidya
4.      Mr. A.B.Siddiqui      12.        Mr. M.Venkat Rao
5.      Mr. Shyam              13.        Mr. Dasrath     
6.      Mr. Abdul Razak     14.        Mr. M.A.Basir
7.      Mr.Prabhakaran     15.        Mr. Alagiri
8.      Mr. Ram Sharma    16.        Mr. Chiranjivlu.

            1.         Patron                    -           Mr. Kuldip Rai Sharma
            2.         Advisor                    -           Mr. A.Alagan
            3.         Media Advisor         -           Mr. K.Ganeshan
            4.         Legal Advisor          -           Mr. A.S.Roy, Senior Advocate
            5.         Asst. Legal Advisor -           Mr. Tapan Kumar Das, Advocate

Request for grant of Scale of Pay of ` 9300-34800 and Grade Pay of ` 4200/- to left out LMMRs

             GEF/ANI/2012/22                                                                        11.04.2012


The Superintending Engineer,
Electricity Department,
Port  Blair.

Subject :- Request for  grant of Scale of Pay of ` 9300-34800 and Grade Pay of ` 4200/- to left out LMMRs, whose 1st ACP falls on or before 19.05.2004 – reg.

             At the outset, we take the pleasure to express our heartiest gratitude to your goodself for resolving long pending demands of LMMRs, special grant of ACP & MACP etc..  The LMMRs who were eligible for grant of ACP/MACP  prior to 19.05.2004 were granted  the Scale of Pay of ` 9300-34800 and Grade Pay of ` 4200/- as per hierarchy.

            But,  a few LMMRs were left out  for granting the above mentioned Scale of Pay and Grade Pay. The name of left out LMMRs are mentioned below for taking necessary action:-

Sl. No.
Name of LMMRs
Date of Appointment
Date of ACP/MACP due
Shri. Pious Dung Runda
Shri. Bharat Baidya
Shri. Daman Kumar
Shri. Gild Kujur
Shri. Pankeries Kerketta
Shri. J.Shiva Kumar

 Kindly do the needful for granting ACP /MACP for the above mentned LMMRs in the Scale of Pay of ` 9300-34800 and Grade Pay of ` 4200/-.
Thanking You.
Yours faithfully,

Copy forwarded to General Secretary, A&N Electricity Lineman-Cum-Meter Reader Association, Electricity Dept., P/Blair for kind information.

Request for grant of Grade Pay of ` 1900/- to Ferro Printer of APWD

No.       GEF/ANI/2012/18                                                                      Date :        29.03.2012


The Commissioner-Cum-Secretary (PWD),
A & N Administration,
Secretariat, Port Blair. 

Subject :- Request for  grant of Grade Pay of ` 1900/- to Ferro Printer of APWD  by bringing  at par with their counterpart working in Electricity Department & Dr. B.R. Ambetkar Govt.  Polytechnic  etc.  of A&N Administration   – reg.

                Its our pleasure to submit a long pending demand of Ferro Printer, working under APWD Establishment and who have been victimized / discriminated from their legitimate claim of  granting Grade Pay of   ` 1900/- by bringing at par with their counterparts working  in Electricity Department & Dr. B.R. Ambetkar Govt.  Polytechnic  etc. of A&N Administration.

            In this connection, we would like to bring the following facts and circumstances to your kind notice for taking appropriate action.

1.        That Madam,  the Ferro Printers working under APWD Establishment are suppose to be granted Scale of pay and other service benefits at par with their counterparts working in CPWD Establishment as that of other categories of staffs of APWD get in routine nature.  But, the Ferro Printers have not been given any service benefits at par with their counterparts of CPWD.

2.        That Madam, the  Ferro Printers of CPWD have been granted Scale of Pay of  ` 5200 - 20200 and Grade Pay of  ` 2000/- in the 6th CPC.   Whereas, the Ferro Printers of APWD have been granted same scale of pay due to merger  but the Grade Pay was granted only  ` 1800/-, which is a minimum grade pay of a lowest government servant.  Being victimized the  Ferro Printers of APWD  approached Hon’ble CAT and Hon’ble High Court  seeking justice.  But, even after getting appropriate directions from Hon’ble  Courts, the Ferro Printers of APWD were not consider for granting Grade Pay of ` 2000/-, rather their case was referred to Ministry by A&N Administration. Which was latter on turn down by the Ministry without going into the depth of the matter. As a result, the Ferro Printers of APWD  were not granted Grade Pay of ` 2000/- at par with CPWD.

3.        That Madam, as per A&N Administration’s Notification dated 7th November, 2002 all the Staff of APWD are eligible to get the service benefits  at par with staff of  CPWD because APWD is following  the CPWD Code and CPWD Manual in all respect as per the above notification.  The other categories of staff of APWD are getting scale of pay and service benefits etc. at  par with CPWD Staff.  Copy of notification is enclosed herewith for ready reference .

4.        That Madam, it would be appropriate to mention here that, the Ferro Printers of other department of A & N Administration are also drawing higher Grade Pay of ` 1900/- as compared to  Ferro Printers of APWD drawing ` 1800/-.  The Group “D” staff of APWD get promotion into the post of Ferro Printer, which is a Group “C” post,  after completion of 10 years of regular service and passing the trade test.  Thus, being Group “C” technical post, the Ferro Printer of APWD have been pulled down to lowest Group “D” post during 6th CPC due to various administrative lacunas committed by department  and A&N Administration as well. 

5.        That Madam, the APWD establishment has also having realized the problems being faced by Ferro Printers, recommended for grant of Grade Pay of ` 1900/- to A & N Administration  for  amendment of  Recruitment Rule. But, the same was also not considered.

            Therefore, we request your goodself to kindly do the needful for granting atleast  ` 1900/- Grade Pay to Ferro Printers of APWD w.e.f. 01.01.2006 based on the facts and circumstances mentioned above by making necessary amendment in the Recruitment Rule  and accord  proper justice to them. 

Thanking You.
Yours faithfully,

Encl :A/A.


Copy also forwarded to Chief Engineer, APWD, Nirman Bhavan, Port Blair for  kind information and necessary action.