News and information for Government Employees

News and information for Government Employees
“We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.”

Monday, 31 December 2012

Emergency Treatment in CGHS Hospitals.....

Emergency Treatment in CGHS Hospitals

CGHS Hospitals – Getting treatment in emergency conditions
Under emergency conditions, the empanelled hospitals are expected to provide treatment of CGHS beneficiaries in all available specialities…

Private hospitals have been empanelled under CGHS only for such specialities for which they are eligible as per the terms and conditions of empanelment. However under emergency conditions, the empanelled hospitals are expected to provide treatment of CGHS beneficiaries in all available specialities.

“Emergency” shall mean any condition or symptom resulting from any cause, arising suddenly and if not treated at the earliest opportunity would  be detrimental to the health of the patient or shall jeopardize the life of the patient".

CGHS beneficiary attending hospital in emergency: In such a situation the Hospital shall intimate  to BCA within 2 hours of admission and BCA shall respond in 4 hours (however treatment shall not be denied to any CGHS member and this is only an initiation of the e-workflow). Post discharge hospital would upload bills and  download documents as per requirements of CGHS within 72 hours.

In emergency the hospital shall not refuse admission or demand an advance payment from the beneficiary or his family member and shall provide credit facilities to the patient whether the patient is a serving employee or a pensioner availing CGHS facilities, on production of a valid  CGHS card and the hospital shall submit the bill for reimbursement to the concerned Deptt. / Ministry / CGHS.  The refusal to provide the treatment to bonafide CGHS beneficiaries in emergency cases without valid ground, would attract disqualification for continuation of empanelment.

The following ailments may be treated as emergency which is  illustrative only and not exhaustive, depending on the condition of the patient :

Acute Coronary Syndromes (Coronary Artery Bye-pass Graft / Percutaneous, Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty) including Myocardial Infarction, Unstable Angina, Ventricular Arrhythmias, Paroxysmal Supra 
Ventricular Tachycardia, Cardiac Temponade, Acute Left Ventricular Failure / Severe Congestive Cardiac Failure, Accelerated Hypertension, Complete Heart Block and Stoke Adam attack, Acute Aortic Dissection.

Acute Limb Ischemia, Rupture of Aneurysm, Medical  and Surgical shock and peripheral circulatory failure. Cerebro-Vascular attack-Stokes, Sudden unconsciousness, Head injury, Respiratory failure, decompensated lung disease, Cerebro-Meningeal Infections, Convulsions, Acute Paralysis, Acute Visual loss.

Acute Abdomen pain.

Road Traffic Accidents / with injuries including fall. Severe

Hemorrhage due to any cause.

Acute poisoning.

Acute Renal Failure.

Acute abdomen pain in female including acute Obstetrical and Gynecological emergencies.

Electric shock. 

Any other life threatening condition.


DoPT Office Memorandum on "Extension of the revised orders on encashment of Earned Leave and Half Pay Leave to industrial employees".

No. 12012/3/2009-Estt.(L)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training 

New Delhi, Dated the 28th December 2012


Subject: Extension of the revised orders on encashment of Earned Leave and Half Pay Leave to industrial employees.

The undersigned is directed to state that the matter regarding extension of revised orders on encashment of Earned Leave and Half Pay Leave lo industrial employees at par with the non industrial Central Government employees covered by the CCS (Leave) Rules. 1972 has been under consideration of this Department. It has been decided in consultation with the Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) to extend the provision of this Department’s OM No.14028/3/2008-Estt (L) dated 25th September 2008, mutatis mutandis to industrial employees of Ministries/Department other than Railways. 

Accordingly, industrial employees shall be entitled to encash both Earned Leave and Half Pay leave, subject to overall limit of 300. Cash equivalent payable for Learned Leave shall continue unchanged. However, cash equivalent payable for half Pay Leave shall be equal to leave salary admissible for Half Pay Leave plus Dearness Allowance admissible on the leave salary without any reduction being made on account of pension and pension equivalent of other retirement benefit payable. To make up for the short fall in Earned Leave, no commutation of Half Leave shall be allowed. This Department’s OM No. 14028/25/94-Estt.(L) dated 7th October, 1996, stands amended to this extent.

2.These order shall take effect from the date of 07.11.2006, the date from which accumulation and encashment of 300 days EL were allowed to them and subject to the following conditions :-

(i) The benefit will be admissible in respect of past cases i.e. relating to period w.e.f. 07.11.2006 to till date, on receipt of applications to that effect from the pensioner concerned by the Administrative Ministry concerned.

(ii) In respect of retirees (retired after 07.11.2006), who have already received encashment of earned leave of maximum limit of 300 days together with encashment of HPL, standing at their credit on the date of retirement, such cases need not he reopened. However, such cases of Government servant considered as industrial employees retiring after 07.11.2006, in which there was a shortfall in reaching the maximum limit of 300 days can he reopened.

(Vibha G.Mishra)

Source: DoPT

Friday, 21 December 2012

Reservation for Persons with Disabilities — Dopt Orders

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training

North Block, New Delhi
dated 14th December, 2012


Subject : Reservation for Persons with Disabilities — reg.

This Department had issued instructions vide O.M. No.36035/3/2004-Estt.(Res.) dated 29.12.2005 regarding reservation for Persons with Disabilities, which are in line with the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 (PwD Act, 1995).

2. It has been brought to the notice of this Department that the Ministries/Departments are not complying with the instructions of this Department regarding reservation to Persons with Disabilities in posts/services under the Central Government, particularly instructions related to carry forward of the unfilled reserved vacancies, interchange among the three categories of disability and lapsing of unfilled reserved vacancies.

3. This Department, had also issued instructions vide O.M. dated 26th April, 2006 and 15th January, 2010 requesting Ministries/Departments to prepare reservation roster registers starting from the year 1996. As per the instructions if some or all the vacancies so earmarked has not been filled by reservation and were filled by able bodied persons either for the reason that points of reservation had not been earmarked properly at the appropriate time or persons with disabilities did not become available, such unutilized reservation might be treated as having been carried forward.

4. Ministries/Departments may ensure that reservation to Persons with Disabilities provided as per extant instructions so as to minimize possibility of creation of backlog reserved vacancies. It is also advised that concerted efforts should be made to clear the backlog through regular recruitments without waiting for Special Recruitment Drives.

5. All Ministries/Departments etc., are requested to scrupulously implement the instructions.

(Sharad Kumar Srivastava)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Promotion of LDC of Central Secretariat Clerical Service (CSCS) on ad-hoc basis – Continuance of Ad-hoc appointments regarding

Government of India 
Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances & pensions 
Department of Personnel & Training

3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan, 
New Delhi dated 19th December, 2012.

Office Memorandum

Subject : Promotion of LDC of Central Secretariat Clerical Service (CSCS) on ad-hoc basis – Continuance of Ad-hoc appointments regarding.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M. of even number dated 28th June, 2012 whereby cadre units were permitted to continue the ad-hoc appointments in the UD Grade of CSCS up to 31.12.2012 and to say that the continuation of the ad-hoc appointments in the U.D grade made by the cadre units has been reviewed in this Department. Since availability of regular UDCs through normal modes of recruitment prescribed under the CSCS Rules may take some more time, it already have been working as UDC on ad-hoc basis in the UD Grade of CSCS may be extended up to 30th June, 2013 or till regular UDCs become available, whichever is earlier.

2. Other terms and conditions mentioned in this Department’s O.M. No3/6/2004-CS.II dated 28.2.2005 will remain unchanged.

3. Hindi version will follow.

(Kameshwar Mishra) 
Under Secretary to the Govt of India
Source: DoPT

DOPT rejected the proposal for restoration of earlier ACP with one time relaxation to opt for MACP…

DOPT rejected the proposal for restoration of earlier ACP with one time relaxation to opt for MACP…

MACPS for the cadre of Junior Engineers/Assistant Engineers in CPWD…

The last proposal was sent to DOPT for consideration on above subject have also been rejected by DOPT and intimated that running of MACPS though with one time relaxation together with ACPS for a part of the cadre is contrary to the provisions of MACP Scheme. The reply of Dopt letter is reproduced and given below for your ready reference… 
Anomalous and disadvantageous provisions of MACPS for the cadre of Junior Engineers/Assistant Engineers and other similarly placed cadres of CPWD.
Consequent to non acceptance of earlier proposals on above mentioned subject forwarded to Dopt in August 2009, Jan 2010 and in Nov 2011, a further proposal for restoration of earlier Assured Career Progression Scheme with one time relaxation to opt for MACPS as on 1.9.2008, who have been granted two upgradations under ACPS, was sent to DoPT in June 2012 for their consideration and approval.

DoPT has not accepted the latest proposal also and intimated that running of MACPS though with one time relaxation together with ACPS for a part of the cadre is contrary to the provisions of MACPS and hence cannot be accepted.
In the circumstances, concerned Service Associations representing Junior Engineers/Assistant Engineers/Executive Engineers and other service Associations of CPWD are requested to intimate as to scheme (ACPS or MACPS), they would like to opt for their cadres in future. The reply may be submitted within seven days of the receipt of this letter.


Sunday, 16 December 2012

Lower Division Grade Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for Group 'C' Staff, 2013 (Grade Pay of Rs.1800) Regulations, 2010

Most Immediate
No. 13/7/2011-CS.II (B)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training 

3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi,
Dated the 12/13th December , 2012


Subject : Lower Division Grade Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for Group 'C' Staff, 2013 (Grade Pay of Rs.1800) Regulations, 2010 - regarding.

The undersigned is directed to refer to Staff Selection's letter No. 10/4/2012-P&P-II dated 06.12.2012 on the subject mentioned above and to request that the vacancy position for Lower Division Grade Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for Group 'C' Staff, 2013 (Grade Pay of Rs.1800) may be calculated as per the provisions of CSCS Rules, 1962, as amended on 08.11.2010. The total number of vacancies falling under DR Quota that are to be abolished in terms of instructions contained in this Department's O.M. No. 9/2/2003-CS-II dated 20.04.2005 may also be shown against relevant column in the proforma for the sake of filling up of the vacancies against reserved slots.

2. Cadre Units are requested to intimate the vacancy position for Lower Division Grade Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for Group 'C' Staff 2013, (Grade Pay of Rs.1800) to this Department in the enclosed prescribed proforma urgently.

(Kameshwar Mishra)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India

Saturday, 8 December 2012

Advance Increments granted to Stenographers

No. 1/1/2010-Estt (Pay-I) 
Department of Personnel & Training 
Estt (Pay I ) Section

New Delhi, the 6th December, 2012.


Subject : Advance Increments granted to Stenographers of Subordinate Offices on qualifying speed test in shorthand at 100/120 w.p.m. regarding.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s 0M No.18/44/88-Pay-I dated 07.12.2009 on the above subject which provides that the Advance Increments granted to Stenographers of Subordinate Offices on qualifying speed test in shorthand at 100/120 w.p.m. are treated as pay for all purposes.

2. Consequent upon implementation of CCS (RP) Rules 2008, the concept of Pay Band& Grade Pay has been introduced. Since there are no fixed rates of increments now, the manner in which advance increment(s) are to be computed has been considered in consultation with the Department of Expenditure. The grant of advance increments to Stenographers of Subordinate Offices on qualifying the speed test in shorthand at 100/120 w.p.m. after 1.1.2006 may be regulated as under:-

a) In terms of the instructions contained in this Department’s 0M No.18/44/89-Estt (Pay I) dated 07.12.2009, the advance increments granted to Stenographers of Subordinate Offices on qualifying Speed Test in Shorthand at 100/120 w.p.m. in terms of Department of Expenditure OM dated 04.10.1975 are to be treated as pay for all purposes and the past cases are also to be regulated accordingly. These advance increments were therefore to be taken into account for fixation ¡n the Revised Pay for those officials who were in receipt of such increments in the pre revised pay. In such cases, the advance increments will no longer continue as a separate element.

b) In respect of persons who become eligible for grant of advance increments consequent upon implementation of CCS (RP) Rules, 2008, the advance increment may be calculated by granting increment @ 3% of the Basic Pay on the date of passing of the test. Two advance increments may be calculated by granting two increments @ 3% of the Basic Pay on the date of passing the test. The amount of this increment may be treated as a separate element in addition to the Basic Pay (Pay in the Pay Band + Grade Pay), till such advance increments are taken into account as per (c).

c) Once the advance increments are taken into account for the purpose of pay fixation on promotion or being placed in a higher scale on grant of ACP/MACP or fixation of pay due to revision of pay scale etc., the advance increments will no longer be continued as a separate element as it will be merged with the basic pay.

3. In so far as the persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders will be issued after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.

4. Hindi Version wilt follow.

(Mukesh Chaturvedi) 
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India.

Source: DoPT

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Good NEWS for Central government Employees "The quarters of central government employees are set to become bigger and better".

The quarters of central government employees are set to become bigger and better.

The urban development ministry is planning to not just increase the houses’ areas by an average of 25 per cent but also fit them out withmodular kitchens and electric chimneys. The last time the housing norms were revised was in 1981.
During Janata Party rule in 1977, the government had asked the central public works department (CPWD) to scale down the sizes of the quarters and the amenities provided. The idea was to build more quarters in less time. A year after the Congress came back to power in 1980, it reverted to the old norms.
“We can say that this is the first time in (over) 30 years that the government is working on improving the living conditions of government employees,” a senior CPWD official said.
The outgoing CPWD director-general, Sushil Mittal, said: “The new scheme will be implemented only on the new houses the government builds. We shall upgrade the amenities in the older houses as and when maintenance is carried out.”
Under the revised norms, quarters of Type 5 ‘ to which deputy secretaries are entitled ‘ and above will have modular kitchens and electric chimneys. Flats below Type 5 will have built-in cupboards. The kitchens provided to central government staff now have only a cement counter and no shelves or cabinets.
The mosaic flooring is likely to be replaced by fancy vitrified tiles in quarters of Type 4 ‘ allotted to section or desk officers ‘ and above, and ceramic tiles in the rest.
Till now, the houses got only a whitewash; under the new norms, houses across all categories will get a plastic distemper. Parking facilities were earlier provided only at quarters of Type 5 or above; now all categories will have stilt parking.
Smaller details such as a higher number of electric points, especially power switches, have also been kept in mind.
“Till now, the power electric point was only provided in the kitchen ‘ for the fridge ‘ especially in Type 2 quarters. It was assumed that the fridge would be kept in the kitchen and nowhere else,” the official said.
The old black electric switches will be replaced with modular switches, and the archaic pelmets with aluminum rods for curtains will make way for drapery rods. In toilets and kitchens, the brass taps would be replaced with chrome-plated fittings.
In Delhi, the government plans to build an additional 25,000 houses. In the rest of India, the CPWD’s thrust will be to build houses in cities that have none, such as Srinagar and Thiruvananthapuram. Calcutta, too, has a measly number of flats for central government employees ‘just 6,051.
As on March 31, 2001, the number of central government employees across the country was 38.76 lakh, of whom 39.02 per cent worked with the Indian Railways, which has its own quarters for its employees.
All central government employees are entitled to official quarters but not every one opts to live in one. Besides, if both spouses are in central government service, only one house is allotted.
Currently, there are about 95,000 quarters across the country, of which Delhi accounts for two-thirds. The shortfall is of 48,569 houses.
Source : Yahoo News

Friday, 30 November 2012

Filling up of vacancies reserved for Persons with Disabilities

No. 36035/6 /2012-Estt.(Res.)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training

North Block, New Delhi
Dated 26th November, 2012


Subject: Filling up of vacancies reserved for Persons with Disabilities- reg.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M. No.36035/3/2004-Estt.(Res.) dated 29.12.2005 regarding reservation for Persons with Disabilities in posts and services under the Central Government. The O.M. contained instructions, inter alia, on carry forward of reservation of Persons with
 Disability (PwD).

2. Extant instructions provide for ensuring that Persons with Disabilities get a fair opportunity in consideration for appointment to an identified post. The following points are required to be kept in view while sending the requisition notice to the Employment Exchange, the SSC, the UPSC etc. and while advertising the vacancies:-

(i) Number of vacancies reserved for SCs/STs/OBCs/Ex-servicemen/Persons suffering from Blindness or Low Vision/Persons suffering from Hearing Impairment/Persons suffering from Locomotor Disability or Cerebral Palsy should be indicated clearly.

(ii) In case of vacancies in posts identified suitable to be held by persons with disability, it shall be indicated that the post is identified for persons with disabilities suffering from blindness or low vision; hearing impairment; and / or locomotor disability or cerebral palsy, as the case may be, and that the persons with disabilities belonging to the category/categories for which the post is identified shall be allowed to apply even if no vacancies are reserved for them Such candidates will be considered for selection for appointment to the post by general standards of merit.

(iii) In case of vacancies in posts identified suitable for persons with disabilities, irrespective of whether any vacancies are reserved or not, the categories of disabilities viz blindness or low vision, hearing impairment and locomotor disability or cerebral palsy, for which the post is identified suitable alongwith functional classification and physical requirements for performing the duties attached to the post shall be indicated clearly.

(iv) It shall also be indicated that persons suffering from not less than 40% of the relevant disability shall alone be eligible for the benefit of reservation.

3. Concerted efforts should be made to fill up the backlog reserved vacancies for Persons with Disabilities at the earliest.

4. The instructions contained in the aforesaid OM dated 29th December, 2005 should be followed scrupulously.

(Sharad Kumar Srivastava)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India

Source: DoPT

DoPT issued Guidelines for monitoring and expeditious disposal of the disciplinary proceeding cases

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pension
Department of Personnel & Training

North Block, New Delhi
29th November, 2012


Subject: Guidelines for monitoring and expeditious disposal of the disciplinary proceeding cases — reg.

Instructions have been issued in the past for expeditious disposal of disciplinary proceedings against delinquent government servants. However, it has been observed that disciplinary proceedings are generally taking a long time which defeats the very purpose of initiating the said proceedings. Therefore, it has been considered necessary to issue the following guidelines for monitoring and expeditious disposal of disciplinary proceedings:

i. There are a number of instances where the Courts have set aside the order of penalty due to inordinate delay in initiating action. Therefore, it has to be ensured that disciplinary proceedings are initiated without undue delay.

ii. The Administrative Department/Competent Authority should study the allegations more carefully and resort to minor penalty proceedings instead of initiating major penalty proceedings, where the circumstances involve minor infringements or cases of procedural irregularities. It has to be kept in mind that a minor penalty swiftly but judiciously imposed by a Disciplinary Authority is much more effective than a major penalty imposed after years spent on a protracted enquiry.

iii. There is undue delay due to repeated requests of the charged officer for time to give his written statement in reply to the charge sheet. As per existing instructions, the charged officer is allowed 10 days to submit his written statement. The charged officer may be allowed 3-4 days absence by the Controlling Officer for preparing his written statement in which case, no extension of time should be allowed beyond the stipulated period of 10 days. (DoP&T’s OM No.142/5/2003-AVD.I dated 6th April, 2004).

iv. If vigilance angle is involved in a complaint, the case should be referred to CVC for their 1st stage advice within one month from the date of receipt of investigation report. If vigilance angle is not involved, case should be put up to the disciplinary authority for taking decision to initiate disciplinary action for major or minor penalty against delinquent officer under CCS(CCA) Rules within one month from the date of receipt of investigation report.

v. After receipt of first stage advice of CVC, the case should be put up to the disciplinary authority for taking decision to initiate disciplinary action for major or minor penalty against delinquent officer under CCS(CCA) Rules within one month from the date of receipt of 1st stage advice of CVC.

vi. The chargesheet should be issued to the charged officer within a week from the date of receipt of decision of the disciplinary authority to initiate major or minor penalty proceedings against him. In any case, it should be ensured that the chargesheet is issued within one month from the date of receipt of the lit stage advice of CVC.

vii. Simultaneously with the issuance of chargesheet, names of suitable officer to be appointed as IO & PO may be selected tentatively. If the charged officer, in his written statement of defence, denies the charges leveled against him, orders regarding appointment of IO & PO should be issued immediately after receipt and consideration of defence statement. Copies of all the relevant papers/documents should also be provided to IO/PO along with the order.

viii. The charge sheet should be drafted with utmost accuracy and precision based on the facts revealed during the investigation or otherwise and the misconduct involved. It should be ensured that no relevant material is left out and at the same time no irrelevant material or witnesses are included. (DoP&T’s DO No.134/2/83-AVD.I dated 2nd May, 1985)

ix. As far as possible, copies of all the documents relied upon and the statements of witnesses cited on behalf of the Disciplinary Authority should be supplied to the Government servant along with the charge sheet, so that the time taken by the charged officer to submit his written statement of defense is reduced. (DoP&T’s DO No.134/2/83-AVDJ .I dated 2nd May, 1985)

x. IO should submit his report within six months from the date of receipt of order of his appointment as IO. Where it is not possible to adhere to this time limit, the IO should submit reasons for delay to the disciplinary authority in writing.

xi. A copy of the inquiry report and also disagreement of the disciplinary authority, ifany, on it should be provided to the Charged Officer within 15 days from the date of receipt of Inquiry Report alongwith reasons for disagreement of the Disciplinary Authority with IO’s findings, if any, (CVC Circular No. 000/VGL/18 dated 23rd May,2000). The Charged Officer may be allowed 15 days to submit, if he so desires, his written representation or submission to the disciplinary authority irrespective of whether the report is favourable or not to the government servant (DoP&T’s O.M.No.11012/13/85-Estt. dated 26th June, 1989)

xii. After the receipt of the representation of charged officer on Inquiry Report, the case may be sent to CVC, whetever required, for their second stage advice, or to UPSC for their advice, as the case may be, within one month. (CVC’s Circular No 000/VGL/18dated 23rd May, 2000)

xiii. Penalty order should be issued within a month from the date of advice of UPSC.(DoP&T’s DO No 134/2/83-AVD.1 dated 2nd May, 1985)

xiv. The time-limits indicated above should be strictly adhered to. The CVO concerned would be directly responsible to adhere to these time limits.

xv. Each Ministry/Department may keep ready a panel of IO/PO from their retired government officers which may be used when no serving government servant is available for appointment of IO/PO. The services of IOs/POs who would be available on the panel maintained by CVC may also be utilized in consultation with CVC.

xvi. In some Departments a large number of oral inquiries are pending. In order to expedite completion of inquiries within a specified time limit, some officers on a fulltime basis may be earmarked by the concerned Department to act as IO/PO.

xvii. In order to ensure expeditious disposal of disciplinary proceedings, vide DoP&T’s OM No.372/19/2011-AVD-III) (Pt.1) dated 26.09.2011, the second stage consultation with CVC in disciplinary matters has been dispensed with except in those cases where consultation with UPSC is not required as per extant rules/instructions. This may be followed. Since there will be only one consultation after receipt of IO’s report (either with CVC or the UPSC, as the case may be), it is expected that the new procedure would substantially reduce the time taken in finalizing disciplinary proceedings after receipt of the IO’s report.

xviii. Wherever a Departmental officer is appointed as the IO in Departmental Proceedings, the officer concerned may be relieved from his normal duties for a period up to 20 days in two spells during which he should complete the inquiry and submit the report. During this period so allowed, he will attend to the inquiry on full time basis. These time spells may depend on the need and the feasibility of conducting full-time hearings on a day to day basis. (DoP&T’s OM No.142/5/2003-AVD.I dated 6th April,2004)

xix. For effective monitoring of the disciplinary proceedings cases, the Vigilance set up must be strengthened in every Ministry/Department. Instructions issued vide DOPT O0M No. 372/19/2011-AVD-III (Pt.l) dated 26.09.2011 are hereby reiterated. All Ministries/Departments are requested to take appropriate action in the matter.

All the Ministries/Departments are requested to follow the above guidelines in letter and spirit so that disciplinary proceedings are concluded expeditiously.

(Amarjit Singh)
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India

Source: DoPT

Friday, 16 November 2012

News on Seventh Pay Commission for Central Government Employee

Seventh Pay Commission for Central Government Employee

The early constitution of Seventh Pay Commission is major demand of GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES FEDERATION, ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS.  
The similar matter is also pending in current 226th session of Rajya Sabha. The following questions on setting up of Seventh Pay Commission from Shri Balwinder Singh, Member of Parliament was scheduled to answer from Finance Ministry on 9th August is still pending:-

(a) whether Government intends to constitute the Seventh Pay Commission for the Central Government employees;

(b) if so, by when;

(c) whether the Thirteenth Finance Commission has also recommended for an increase in pay of Central Government employees from the future date; and

(d) if so, the details thereof?

Source: CCEN&T

Central employees may get 8% D.A. from January 2013

 Central employees may get 8% D.A. from January 201...: As we are in the halfway mark of calculating D.A. effective from 01.01.2013, let us try to predict it based on current trend. The AICPI-IW ...

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Revision of PPOs in respect of Pre- 2006 Pensioners-meeting | CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES NEWS,Dearness Allowance, DA ,DOPT ORDERS |

Revision of PPOs in respect of Pre- 2006 Pensioners-meeting | CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES NEWS,Dearness Allowance, DA ,DOPT ORDERS |

View the OM Below:

No. 1/20/2011-P&PW (E) (voI.lII)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions
Department of Pension Pensioners' Welfare

3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi

Dated: 2nd November, 2012.

 Sub: Revision of PPOs in respect of Pre- 2006 Pensioners-meeting notice reg.

The undersigned is directed to refer to the minutes of the Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA) meeting held on 27.09.2012 and meetings of HODs of MinistrieslDepartments under the CPAO network, who have largest pendency of unrevised PPOs of pre-2006 pensioners and family pensioners held on 28.8.2012 and 24.9.2012 under the  chairmanship of Secretary (Pension, AR&PG). This Department's O.M. of even number, dated 17.8.2012 and 30.82012 and--O.M. No.42/45/2012- P&PW(G), dated 10.10.2012 refer.

2. It may be recalled that in the meeting of 28.8.12, Ministry of Home Affairs agreed to reduce the pendency to less than 5000 by the end of December, 2012. Ministry of Urban Development agreed to reduce the number to 1000 by this period. Ministry of Information & Broadcasting agreed to bring down the pendency to 50%. Other Ministries agreed that pendency figures will be reduced to less than 500 by the end of December, 2012.

3. This is for information that in the meantime, this Department has issued O.M. No.1/23/2012-P&PW(E), dated 13.9.12 regarding change in date of birth or age of family pensioner and dated 27.9.2012 on applicability of instructions regarding acceptance of date of birth/age for additional amount of family pension in the case of revision of PPOs. .

4. The CGA has informed that the life certificate has been amended to include the current postal address and telephone no. of the pensioner. The CGA has also informed that the CPAO has made available to the Ministries details of all live pensioners from the electronic scrolls submitted by the Banks. The CPAO has again issued advertisement in leading national and regional dailies to co-inside with IDe date of submission of life certificate by pensioners.

5. It is hoped that the actions indi~fd:' Para 3 and 4 will facilitate revision of PPOs to a great extent. Therefore, all ministries/ Departments are requested to renew their efforts and achieve their targets set for December, 2012 and under all circumstances complete the task before 31st March, 2012.

Encl: as above
                                                                                                           Sujasha Choudhary
         Deputy Secretary